Soar above the SEO bar with page-centric strategy

As search marketers, we know that there are proven methods of improving our page rank such as creating unique and relevant content with the right keywords, promoting this content, and building links from the domains that matter. 
These are methods that have been used for the past ten years and while, these methods have been quite effective, SEO is more complex today. 
The rise of social media as an effective SEO tool, the growing competitiveness of SEO, and tough guidelines by search engines, call for a re-evaluation of how we have been doing SEO.

Learning from the Fosbury Flop

Soar Above The SEO Bar With Page-centric Strategy
The Olympic Stadium in Mexico City was packed that summer day in 1968.  Richard Fosbury took a deep breath before the crowd of 80,000 people and then broke into an explosive run, aiming for a simple bar held in the air between two poles.  As he reached the takeoff point, he gathered himself and then catapulted into the air, turning his body and clearing the bar in an unusual backwards position, his torso arched upward, landing not on his feet but back and shoulders.  
It was a unique style different from any other technique and it gave Fosbury the edge to create a new Olympic record of 7 feet 4.25 inches and the Olympic gold medal in his first ever international event.  This technique aptly called the Fosbury flop is used by virtually every successful high jump athlete since then.

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