Page-centric execution – The Fosbury Flop of SEO

If we look at Fosbury’s success conceptually, we see that the key driver was his focus on the goal, which was clearing the bar.  Refining traditional techniques and squeezing out every last bit of performance from existing techniques was not the real goal.  This clarity enabled him to pursue what really mattered and gave him the ability to dominate the sport.  
In the world of SEO we see the same thing.  It is important to remind ourselves that the reason we do what we do is to improve the rank of pages.  It is our pages that attract visitors and new customers, promote and build brand loyalty, and sell products.  Therefore, pages need to be the center of your SEO world.
You are probably wondering how this is different from how SEO is handled, both conceptually and in practice.  Typically, we pick a set of keywords, map each keyword to a page, and then optimize these pages.  Keywords are usually the center of all SEO strategies, technologies, and processes, and this is the way it’s been done for the last several years.  A page-based approach, on the other hand, transforms how you execute on SEO. The following 4-step framework shows you how.

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