Twitter for Business

twitter-for-businessTwitter is a massive micro blogging designed in the context of business to connect with people that are interested in your brand. On the contrary of Facebook people will “follow” your brand instead of “liking” it.
Someone will follow you on twitter if they have a genuine interest in what your business does. For example, If your company is a cellphone operating system provider for Samsung or HTC, in theory all the users that are into their phones will follow your twitter page for the soul reason that they are interested on getting to know the operating system and want to be up to date with all of the software updates, get the coolest themes etc. In other words relevancy and constant tweeting is important. This will lead you into tell engaging stories, participate in real-time events and conversations, enhance the best traits of your brand personality online in order to make your audience take a sincere interest in your company.

Starting with twitter.
Choosing your @Username. This is the personal brand name. Try to stick with the first one you choose, for it might confuse your audience if you eventually change it. This will make it easier for your followers and people you follow to recognize you. Put your @username in your email signature and your business card, it will give you authenticity. Don’t utilize underscores, it will make you use silly. Make life easy for users and customers, don’t make variations of your company’s name like Semdrive01. The most important and relevant aspect about name creation is being recognizable by your target market in the twitter sphere.
Profile picture and background picture. Your profile and background images visually represent your brand. For your profile picture ideally use your brand logo. Think of something that might be directly related to your brand for the background, like a product or some derivative of your products or services you are trying to promote.
Description: Write a clear, concise bio that describes your brand, products or services. Include contact information like to your website in order to drive traffic and a phone number for direct contact if that is your purpose.
Integration: Design every element of your profile to best reflect your business. Your name, bio, website and profile picture should all come together to tell your story.
Brand Personality: Your tweets should reflect your brand’s personality. There is no need for overly formal lingo or institutional jargon. Twitters respond best to simple friendly tweets. Remember always that social networks are social for a reason.
Tweets: It’s a big digital world out there. Use twitter to show cool new things that your brand is working on like new product photos, or website previews and things that your followers would not be able to get on the mainstream. Reply when people tweet about you. Re-tweet things that are relevant about your collaborators that you think could affect your target and/or your company and respond to tweets your users write about.
The perfect tweet. Make a tweet like you were talking to a very good friend. Include exclusive, funny, inspirational tweets that is always relevant. The most re-tweeted content tends to contain links, pictures, videos or quotes on Twitter. Paste a link of any length into the Tweet box , it will automatically be shortened to fit the 140 character limit.

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