According to Forester, webmarketing, a rapidly growing domain, and digital strategies in particular will make up to almost 21% of the global marketing budget in 2014. Following the same path, Gartner predicts a 9% increase of the investment volumes in webmarketing strategy and digital advertising. The multichannel trend gains more and more notoriety inside the marketing departments while the budgets allocated to digital strategies will continue to increase sharply in the near future. The marketers are aware that channels such as social media and online videos must be closely connected to Internet or e-commerce websites. They must play the digital technology game while regularly experiencing these channels.
1. SEM-related issues
According to a webmarketing study conducted by the Marketing Sherpa team, natural positioning / SEO is the first growing incentive of the lead generation / contacts in B to B (see image).
The importance of SEM in corporate strategy is more than obvious.
Nowadays, the focus lies on the scale of webmarketing actions, which includes the definition of the KPIs. Most of the CEOs are familiar with SEM but they do not know how to calculate the ROI per share. At the same time, market segmentation is a challenge which makes this exercise even more difficult to solve. At present, there is no “jack of all trades” integrated tool. This is why marketers must be the precursors of change by collecting information and using all available tools. Considered a key issue for competitiveness, online visibility is fundamental in all fields of activity on the Internet: one way or another we are all actors on the online sales market or we are trying to sell something through a website.
2. Pentalog approach
Aware of the complexity of this issue and concerned about always bringing forward pragmatic approaches, Pentalog has decided to complete its e-commerce offer in order to provide its clients with a comprehensive web development service: SEM consulting services. The purpose of this offer is to enable web actors to reduce operation costs while increasing sales and speeding time to market. Pentalog makes available SEM consulting teamswhich will help you define and implement digital strategies by supporting you and suggesting web solutions adapted to your needs and field of activity. Moreover, our SEM offer represents a real anti-crisis remedy:
- A significant time-saving option during implementation: the teams are already operational.
- An increased lead generation
- A cost-efficient offshore outsourcing process.
Due to a quality system adapted to the offshore context and an outsourcing experience of more than 10 years, Pentalog offers you the solutions and guarantees necessary for a smooth execution of your remote web project with the help of a local project manager.
This offer, which is mainly targeted at the e-commerce actors, gives you a quick overview of its digital positioning before starting the development of its website or before making an appraisal of the current situation, namely an audit.
Pentalog’s Search Marketing offer allows us to see the obstacles in the way of a website’s growth (a stagnant number of website visits, few or no transformations…). Either for technical or commercial reasons (no links between the offers or a non-adapted vocabulary, no call-to-action…), our consultants will help you find the right leverage impact on your web business.
Our SEM offer generally regroups all the activities related to strategic positioning:
SEO: Search Engine Optimization
- choosing the main keywords necessary to optimize your website
- choosing the keywords necessary to optimize your products
- optimizing the text to gain visibility and to help us transform your visitors in clients
- integrating an analysis tool: Google Analytics
- Google Analytics management and reporting
- geolocation
- competitor analysis
SEA: Search Engine Advertising
- launching and managing one or various Adwords campaigns
- Adwords optimization (budget optimization, creation of landing pages)
SMO: Social Media Optimization
- implementing Facebook, Linkedin and Viadeo pages or Twitter accounts
- implementing a communication strategy on social networks
- community creation
- advertising management on social networks
- Trainings