Content Distribution Desk of Contents:

Writing and article marketing and distribute solutions are an effective way to develop core backlinks to your further webpages. Developing strong hyperlinks can be one of the most difficult parts of SEO, especially for product webpages. The potency of material submission for incoming connecting and position is often discussed in the SEO community, but I’ve seen plenty of instances of position changes that I can feature straight to distributed material submission hyperlinks. But as with everything in SEO, it's best to analyze the theory yourself.

One of the other benefits of material submission is the material themselves can rank on the first web page on Google, often for mid or long-tail search phrases, and drive average traffic. So if your site/page is already showing on web the first page for target search phrases, getting an material also listed helps with brand management and managing additional SERP property.
Article Submission Best Methods and Guidelines

Getting your material approved at an material submission website and picked up for submitting is not a throw soak. Most of these websites have fairly tight requirements (the excellent ones anyway), which is really what you want for your material. Sites that accept copied or garbage material and have loose article requirements do not get material distributed as widely or as frequently. So it’s essential to arrange yourself with excellent websites.

Here are some of the guidelines I’ve found for getting your material approved and syndicated:

    Don’t add hyperlinks in the body system of the material – Links to your website should reside in the bio or “about the author” area.
    Keep hyperlinks in the bio to three max – More than three and you can/will get rejected
    Don’t promote your company in the body system of the material – Save that for the bio section
    Don’t plagiarize – Publishers at material submission websites aren’t fools. The excellent ones only print unique material. However, you can “repackage” your own material. For example, if your website already has excellent material, you can repackage it. Come up with new headings, remodel the material and create sure it goes the engines analyze. Run issues on the unique lines of material and create sure your unique material doesn’t show up in the SERPs.
    Don’t keyword stuff – Many websites (Ezine Articles) have a fairly tight “keyword density” (ugh...) rule of no more than 1.5%, so you need to adhere to these recommendations and not be spam or they'll decline your material.
    No misspellings or lexical mistakes – This is fairly self-explanatory.

Top Article Submission Websites and Services

I’ve gone through a multitude of submission solutions and a lot of experimentation searching for material submission solutions that offer the best submission programs, customer support, value and potential for distributed, followed hyperlinks. Here's a list of my favorite submission websites and solutions.

iSnare – Excellent website, in my opinion. iSnare has a vast submission system and majority of associate websites follow hyperlinks. iSnare uses a “credits” system where you can buy bulk attributes for approximately $2 per material submission to over a thousand websites. The more attributes you buy, the cheaper the assistance. The disadvantages to iSnare are getting an material approved for submission can often take monthly. Also, they are fairly tight with submission recommendations and will often decline your material without notice or reason, which can be annoying after waiting monthly to get it published.

RCP Links – RCP Links offers an excellent assistance. They publish initially to Newsletter Articles--one of the more well known material publishers--and an RCP representative works with you straight to create sure your material goes the Newsletter recommendations and gets approved. Recently, RCP made a minimal mistake in submitting and acknowledged me the next round free. Pretty cool! Price: $25 for 100 links

Submit Convenience – I’ve been using Submit Convenience (formerly SEO Creations) for six months now. They have a awesome associate system and awesome submission programs. My only complaint is lately they are circulating to marketers that no follow hyperlinks. Hopefully, this is only short-term and they clean up their act. Price: $30 for 100 submitting.

Submit Store – Submit Store is another excellent submission assistance that gets excellent submission. You can log into an account and monitor your material and download submission reports. Price: $35 for 100 submitting.
Managing Your Article Submissions

If you are article marketing to develop strong hyperlinks, it's essential to vary the connecting sources to create a more varied and natural connecting profile. To do this, I recommend posting to a variety of different submission solutions because they use different submission programs. This way, you're launching a broader net.

Keeping a record of all your submitting and which hyperlinks you have used for which solutions, especially if you got a website with hundreds of webpages of material you are connecting to can get complicated. I use a few different documents for this. One records material posted, including headings, which assistance I used and dates posted and approved.

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