Monday, November 4, 2013, 09:40:55 GMT by PeterD
A stopped clock is right two times a day. There's some amusing historical revisionism going on in SEO punditry world right now, which got me thinking about the history of SEO. I'd like to talk about some common themes of this historical revision, which goes along the lines of " what I predicted all those years ago came true - what a visionary I am! ." No naming names,
author: PeterDpublisher: SEO
Be the result that google wants to rank - 1 hour and 20 minutes ago
Monday, November 4, 2013, 08:25:15 GMT by SEOmoz
Posted by Kristina Kledzik As SEOs, we're the only type of online marketers who pay little to no attention to the people who actually visit our websites. PPC'ers watch visitors' responses to ads via click through rates, social media managers converse with users directly, writers write for readers, and designers design for visitors. But SEOs give advice based on Google . Google, like the rest of online marketers, is primarily concerned with the opinions of visitors to Google.
author: SEOmozpublisher: SEOmoz
Google penguin got you down? work on customer service - 16 hours ago
Sunday, November 3, 2013, 17:47:44 GMT by Adam Stetzer
You can redirect your energy into activities that have a positive return. Customer service is an area where many small businesses do poorly. Investments in training and staff, guided by research, will help retain customers during tough SEO times.
author: Adam Stetzerpublisher: Search Engine Watch Blog
Follow the ing new york city marathon with espn and google maps coordinate - 18 hours ago
Sunday, November 3, 2013, 16:11:52 GMT by Jane Smith
Posted by Daniel Chu, Senior Product Manager Every year, tens of thousands of runners from around the world descend on the five boroughs to participate in the ING New York City Marathon. This year's ESPN coverage of the event changes the way we experience the big race from our living rooms. To track the progress of the race, ESPN and IMG Productions have teamed up with Google Maps to bring fans real-time locations of leading runners.
author: Jane Smithpublisher: Google Enterprise
What i've learned in 8 months at search engine journal by @johnrampton -19 hours ago
Sunday, November 3, 2013, 14:46:03 GMT by John Rampton
It's been 8 months since I started as managing editor here at Search Engine Journal. When I came on board this past March, I saw so many exciting possibilities. There was so much to do and I had to hit the ground running. Sometimes it feels like it's been 8 years! But it's been so ['] Author information John Rampton Managing Editor John Rampton is an entrepreneur, full-time computer nerd, PPC guru at Maple North and founder at .
author: John Ramptonpublisher: Search Engine Journal
Google analytics: avoiding premature speculation by @brettdixon - 1 day and 19 hours ago
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 14:17:08 GMT by Brett Dixon
The numbers don't lie, but they are often misinterpreted. Most of us use Google Analytics - it's free, it's accurate and it's brilliant. One of my challenges as an SEO is to regularly educate clients on how to actually interpret Google Analytics and understand what it all means. With Google recently encrypting keyword referral ['] Author information Brett Dixon Director at DPOM Director of DPOM, a UK SEO & PPC Agency.
author: Brett Dixonpublisher: Search Engine Journal
Bing places for business is now available in india - 2 days ago
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 03:43:45 GMT by Isabell Sheang - MSFT
Following the recent release of Bing Places for Business in the UK and Canada , we are pleased to announce that Bing Places for Business is now available in India. Consumers are looking for local information. With the fast growing penetration of broadband connections and increased adoption of mobile devices, more and more of your potential customers are looking for business information online before they set foot in your store.
author: Isabell Sheang - MSFTpublisher: Microsoft Advertising Community
Getting your content shared on social media: interview with david zheng at #pubcon 2013 by @johnrampton - 2 days ago
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 02:23:16 GMT by John Rampton
Sponsored by CopyPress, "Centralize Your Content Performance." In an interview conducted at Pubcon 2013 in Las Vegas, David Zheng of KloutFire explains how to get your content shared on social media. Everyday David helps companies implement and improve their inbound marketing strategies through SEO, content strategy, and social media. Getting your content shared widely on social media ['] Author information John Rampton Managing Editor John Rampton is an entrepreneur,
author: John Ramptonpublisher: Search Engine Journal
Convergence of search and display advertising: interview with dave roth at #pubcon 2013 by @brentcsutoras - 2 days ago
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 01:53:04 GMT by Brent Csutoras
Sponsored by CopyPress, "Centralize Your Content Performance." In an interview conducted at Pubcon 2013 in Las Vegas, Dave Roth of Move, Inc. discusses the convergence of search and display advertising. There's a lot of synergies now between search and display advertising, Dave explains why this is great for search marketers in the video below: Here are some ['] Author information Brent Csutoras Brent Csutoras is a social media marketing consultant and entrepreneur,
author: Brent Csutoraspublisher: Search Engine Journal
How to hire an seo expert: interview with peter leshaw at #pubcon 2013 by @johnrampton - 2 days ago
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 01:37:58 GMT by John Rampton
Sponsored by CopyPress, "Centralize Your Content Performance." In an interview conducted at Pubcon 2013 in Las Vegas, Peter Leshaw of ICanOptimize explains the ins and outs of hiring an SEO professional to work for you. What do you look for when hiring an SEO expert? How do you compensate them? If you've never hired someone to do ['] Author information John Rampton Managing Editor John Rampton is an entrepreneur, full-time computer nerd,
author: John Ramptonpublisher: Search Engine Journal
How to get online reviews for your business: interview with matt craine at #pubcon 2013 by @johnrampton - 2 days ago
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 00:37:37 GMT by John Rampton
Sponsored by CopyPress, "Centralize Your Content Performance." In an interview conducted at Pubcon 2013 in Las Vegas, Matt Craine of gives some tips for getting online reviews for your business. Matt also warns us of the dangers of paying for fake reviews. Getting positive reviews is one of the best ways to encourage new customers ['] Author information John Rampton Managing Editor John Rampton is an entrepreneur, full-time computer nerd,
author: John Ramptonpublisher: Pronet Advertising
How you know you need a new seo firm - 2 days ago
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 00:32:35 GMT by Search Engine Guide
by Nick Stamoulis Although the SEO industry at large may not have the best reputation thanks to a handful of spammers and SEO con men (and I do believe they represent the smaller segment of providers in this industry), there are plenty of great SEO firms out there that are just as committed to your success as you are! There is no need to suffer through a bad or negligent SEO firm. Here are 4 ways you can tell that it's time to find a new SEO firm: 1.
author: Search Engine Guidepublisher: Search Engine Guide
Bing introduces new full-page hero ads for branded searches by @larrykim -3 days ago
Friday, November 1, 2013, 21:51:34 GMT by Larry Kim
This week, at the Bing Ads Next conference held at the Microsoft Campus, Bing Ads announced a bold new ad format, called "Bing Hero Ads". The new ad format is currently visible on exact match branded keyword searches conducted within the recently released Windows 8.1. Bing Hero Ads provide an aggressively branded, visual landing-page like ['] Author information Larry Kim Larry Kim is the Founder/CTO of WordStream , a provider of PPC Management Tools.
author: Larry Kimpublisher: Search Engine Journal
Four sem tips on how to reach holiday shoppers before their stockings are stuffed - 3 days ago
Friday, November 1, 2013, 21:21:24 GMT by Yahoo! Advertising
These simple, proven strategies will get your search campaigns ready to capture flocks of early-bird shoppers In 2012, online retailers saw three important trends unfold during the holiday season: promotions launched earlier buying started sooner promotions lasted longer This year, those trends are moving even faster. Consumers will start shopping earlier to spread out their .
author: Yahoo! Advertisingpublisher: Yahoo! Advertising
Yelp lawsuit seeks wages for yelpers - 3 days ago
Friday, November 1, 2013, 21:01:17 GMT by Pierre Zarokian
A lawsuit is seeking employment benefits and wages for reviewers (a.k.a. "Yelpers") that have been posting free reviews on Yelp. The lawsuit claims Yelp has violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and has refused to pay wages to its reviewers.
author: Pierre Zarokianpublisher: Search Engine Watch Blog
Google+ adds dedicated hangouts watch page with scheduling and more auto awesome for photos - 3 days ago
Friday, November 1, 2013, 20:51:14 GMT by Cynthia Boris
Google+ rolled out a few new features this week that will make your Hangouts more business-like and your photos more awesome. (Including the ability to erase people. . . really crazy stuff.) The big news for Google Hangouts is the ability to schedule Hangouts On Air, then promote them with a dedicated watch page. I'm excited about this because I think Google Hangouts are an amazing tool for content producers but as a viewer, finding them is a drag. With the new watch page,
author: Cynthia Borispublisher: Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim
Support for v201309 reports in adwords scripts - 3 days ago
Friday, November 1, 2013, 20:00:56 GMT by Google Ads Developer Advisor
We are announcing support for AdWords API v201309 reports in AdWords Scripts. The following new reports are available for use: AGE_RANGE_PERFORMANCE_REPORT GENDER_PERFORMANCE_REPORT You can refer to for the list of supported columns and other details for these new reports. If you use API versioning in your reports, then you need to modify your code to use v201309 as shown below. If you don't use API versioning,
author: Google Ads Developer Advisorpublisher: AdWords API
Holiday survey shows good customer service equals repeat business - 3 days ago
Friday, November 1, 2013, 19:45:50 GMT by Cynthia Boris
It's November 1st! So let's kick off this holiday shopping season with a jolly infographic from PriceGrabber. For their Winter Holiday Shopping Survey , PriceGrabber asked 2,887 US online shopping consumers about their plans for the next few weeks. The most significant piece of data to come out of the survey is this: 69% of consumers plan to shop at the same retailers as they did last year. When asked why,
author: Cynthia Borispublisher: Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim
In memoriam: ren warmuz of trellian - 3 days ago
Friday, November 1, 2013, 19:40:47 GMT by Pierre Zarokian
The search engine marketing and domain industries lost one of its greatest minds over the weekend. Ren Warmuz, founder and CEO of Trellian, who was battling cancer for about a year, passed away on October 27 at age 45.
author: Pierre Zarokianpublisher: Search Engine Watch Blog
Toys "r" us recruits holiday shoppers with loyalty program billboard ad on - 3 days ago
Friday, November 1, 2013, 19:10:35 GMT by Yahoo! Advertising
Our Ad of the Week is a user-controlled billboard that shows the Rewards "R" Us program is a veritable toy chest stuffed with perks and promotions. Holiday shoppers are starting earlier this year, and Toys "R" Us is ready for them. It recently ran a billboard carousel ad on touting the many benefits of