The SEO Career Programs include Banking & Private Equity, Corporate Leadership, Law, Nonprofit, and SEO-U. We place students of color in a variety of internship roles with competitive pay, rigorous training, support through mentors, and broad access to full-time professionals and industry leadership.
Are SEO internships paid?
Yes, SEO interns are paid a competitive weekly salary that approximates a pro-rated first-year full-time salary for each internship area (i.e. $700/week for nonprofit interns, $1,000/week or more for other areas). This means that you will be able to afford a lifestyle similar to that of an entry-level employee.
SEO will provide admitted interns with information about affordable temporary housing options in each internship location. Most SEO interns will have at least one roommate for the summer. You will also budget for your own travel to and from internship locations, appropriate professional attire, meals, your daily commute and socializing/exploring. Keep in mind that interns in suburban locations will need a driver's license and car.
I’ve heard interns undergo intense training before and during their internships. What kind of training and orientation do you provide? How many hours of training do the interns receive?
Click here to learn more about Training. Training begins before students begin at their firms, with online coursework, SEO Orientation, and comprehensive internship-specific training. Students also engage in ongoing Leadership & Networking throughout their summer, and are given the chance to engage with CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, other senior leaders and recruiting representatives. Our interns participate in roughly 40 hours of online training and 60 hours of in-person internship-specific training.
I’ve heard your investment banking interns have so many SEO sponsored events that take them away from their internships and they end up not getting full-time offers. Is this true?
One of the benefits of the SEO internship is the exposure to other partner firms through networking events. Click here to learn more about Leadership & Networking events. We hold most of our seminar events during the training weeks before the internships begin to limit the amount of time SEO interns spend away from their desks. Also SEO seminars typically take place early in the morning or in the evenings. In both cases, interns are required to go straight back to work. Our partners are provided a calendar of SEO events at the beginning of the summer so they know where their interns are at all times.
How do you decide where interns are placed?
We receive job descriptions from our partner firms/companies and work to ensure that each intern is best-positioned to receive a full-time offer in a place where they would best thrive and succeed. Many factors are taken into consideration including: past experience, academic performance, industry exposure, career interests and personality/fit.
Can you tell me about your mentoring?
Our mentorship is three-fold, with a staff liaison, an SEO alumnus or alumna, and an executive mentor. More details about Mentoring can be found on our website. Staff liaisons govern a specific internship area and a cohort of students to help guide students through their internship, while industry-specific volunteer alumni work one-on-one with students in a more candid way, and executive mentors (provided by our partner firms) help navigate the interns through the firm culture and expectations.
Who is eligible for the SEO internship internship?
Since 1980, SEO has provided underrepresented college students of color with paid summer internships leading to full-time jobs. More than 30 years later, Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans are still underrepresented in many top entry level jobs.
Review full Eligibility details by internship area before submitting your application.
SEO Internships are open to underrepresented undergraduates of color who will graduate from a 4-year accredited U.S. college or university. SEO internships are open to ALL majors. Candidates must have a 3.0 GPA without exception. We have limited opportunities for students with F-1 visas (investment bank partners only).
How does SEO define students of color?
SEO asks applicants to self-identify i.e. if you consider yourself to be a student of color, you are welcome to apply. The racial and ethnic classifications on the SEO application are adapted from the 2010 US Census.
How has the recession affected SEO? Have you seen any change in the number of SEO interns being hired full-time?
The size of our internship has fluctuated with the recession; however, the percentage of our eligible interns who receive full-time offers has remained fairly consistent. We still provide our interns with the best quality internship and our partners with highly-skilled interns. Historically, 75% of eligible interns receive a full-time offer with a partner firm and 85% will identify an employment or other opportunity before graduation.
Eligibility and Requirement Questions ^
Please remember to check the Eligibility section to review details for each internship area.
I applied last year as a sophomore and didn’t get in. Why?
Majority of our internships are available to juniors. This is because many of our partner firms are interested in making offers to interns who can start full-time after they graduate from college in a year. As such there are limited opportunities available for sophomores. We encourage all interested and qualified sophomores to apply. If you are not admitted to the career internship as a sophomore, we will automatically consider you for SEO-U.
How many applications does SEO receive? How many students get in?
SEO internships and the partners with whom we are affiliated are best-in-class and very competitive. We receive a large number of applications each year but that should not discourage you from applying.
What is typically the size of the SEO intern class?
Our class size varies from year to year but typically ranges between 300 – 400 interns.
I’m an international student. Can I apply?
Yes, international students with F-1 visas can apply but we have limited opportunities available. Please see ourEligibility table for more information.
I will be graduating the December after the internship summer, am I still eligible to apply?
Yes, SEO internships are open to students who are returning to their undergraduate internship for at least one semester after they complete their internship. You will be considered a junior at the time of your application. We base Eligibility on your availability to start working full-time and NOT on your class standing or credits earned.
I am currently a freshman, am I eligible to apply?
We encourage first-year (freshmen) students to apply for our SEO-U enrichment program. Participating in SEO-U does NOT guarantee you an internship for the following year. However, it will provide you the tools necessary to strengthen your candidacy when applying to a future SEO class.
Does SEO only provide internships for undergraduates?
The SEO Career internship internships are for undergraduate underrepresented students of color and recent graduates (for the Law internship only).
My GPA is below 3.0 right now, but will be above a 3.0 at the end of the semester. Am I still eligible?
Please apply when you can provide us with a transcript that shows a GPA at or above 3.0.
Application Questions ^
Please check here for information about Rounds & Deadlines
If I am not accepted for my first internship choice will I be considered for my second or third internship choices? / Can SEO place me in a internship other than my first choice?
If you are not accepted for your first internship choice SEO may choose to consider you for your second or third internship choices based on your qualifications and interview performance. SEO will discuss this option with you before considering you for a internship other than your first choice.
I recently submitted my completed application to SEO. How can I confirm that my application has been submitted and is complete?
You should log onto your online application all the information regarding the status of your application and supporting documents can be found there. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we cannot confirm the receipt of supplemental materials. If we are missing anything we need to reach a decision, we will contact you.
Can I send a paper application?
No, all applications must be submitted online. Only in rare circumstances (i.e. a student studying abroad in an area with no web access), applicants must contact SEO for authorization to submit a paper application.
Can I apply directly to SEO’s partners for internships and scholarships?
Yes. Please notify them that you have also applied to SEO. Before accepting any offer, please discuss it with SEO. In certain cases, we may be able to expedite your decision.
If I applied last year do I need to go through the same process all over again?
Yes, you do. You must create a new account and reapply. Please feel free to tell us in the optional short answer what has changed to enhance your candidacy.
If I am not selected in an early round, can I reapply?
No, you may only submit one application per year. Subsequent applications will be deleted. If you need to make changes to your application, please email SEO at
If I participated in SEO as a sophomore last year can I reapply?
You can reapply as a junior for a different internship. You will need to indicate that you are an SEO alum on the application. Sophomore alums who interned in Investment Research, Sales & Trading, COO, Doug Paul or rotational internships are not eligible for the Investment Banking internship. Sophomore alums who interned in Risk Management can apply for investment banking.
Does the question "How does the internship area to which you have applied link to your professional goals?" apply to my first internship area selection or all of them?
This question refers to your first internship choice.
Is there any way to correct something on my application once it has been submitted?
Please make sure your application is accurate before you submit. In rare cases we will notify candidates of errors that need to be corrected. If you need to make changes to your application, please email SEO at
Where can I find the Reference Form and instructions?
The reference form can be found on your online application after you login under "Add or Edit Recommendation Requests." Do not submit a professional reference upon submission of your application. References are only required at SEO's discretion and request.
You should select someone who can clearly describe the qualities that will make you a successful intern.
The reference is due as soon as possible after our request. If requested, we must have your reference form on file in order to make a final decision on your candidacy.
An SEO alum has offered to write me a letter of reference. How do I submit this?
The SEO alum can email a recommendation to us at The alum should include their contact information, employer, and SEO year. The letter should address the following items:
- Why have you taken an interest in this student’s candidacy?
- Are you knowledgeable about the applicant’s academic achievements or extracurricular activities? If yes, comment on specific accomplishments.
- Provide a candid assessment of the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Identify some of the applicant’s qualities that make him/her an outstanding SEO Career Program candidate.
Transcripts and Picture Questions ^
Do I need to submit an official transcript?
You must include an unofficial transcript when submitting your application. This can be a printed grade report or an "official" transcript issued to student.
You are not required to submit an official transcript unless you are invited to an in-person interview. If you are invited to interview in-person with SEO, your official transcript should be mailed directly to our offices (Attn: SEO Career internship - Transcripts, 55 Exchange Place, Suite 601, New York, NY 10005) as soon as possible after you receive the invitation. You may also bring the official transcript with you to your interview. We must have your official transcript on file in order to make a final decision on your candidacy.
In some instances, we may also request an updated transcript with your fall semester grades.
Do I send my transcript now even though it does not contain my fall grades?
Yes, please upload your most current transcript into the application. If you are a transfer student, please upload your transcript from your previous school. If your grades improve, you can submit an updated transcript later in the process. You may email it to
I am a transfer student. Do I need to send a transcript from my previous school(s)?
Yes, please upload your transcript(s) from your previous school(s) and your current school.
I cannot upload my supporting documents to my application. Where do I send it?
Please email your resume, photo, or unofficial transcript to
I'm currently studying abroad and cannot access my transcript at school. Can I enter an estimate of my GPA on the application?
No, please contact the registrar's office at your school (via phone or email) as soon as possible - they should be able to give you your exact current GPA to enter on your application. We require that you have your exact GPA on your application.
I’m having problems uploading my picture. When I click on ‘Upload Document’ nothing happens even though I don't have my pop-up blocker turned on. Could you tell me what the problem is?
Your document may be too large. Please make sure the file containing your picture is no larger than 100MB. Try pasting your picture into a word document or sending a pdf of a scanned picture. You can also email your photo to
How do I submit my law school admission documents?
You only need to submit your law school enrollment form once you have selected your school (proof of your seat deposit). Please select "Law School Information" from the menu after logging into the online application and upload it there.
Deadline Questions ^
Please refer to the Rounds & Deadlines section for details.
Does it make a difference what round I apply to? Will chances be better in the earlier rounds?
Yes, the earlier you apply the better your chances are for getting into the internship because we have rolling admissions.
If I am not selected in an early round, can I reapply?
No, you may only submit one application per year. Subsequent applications will be deleted.
Summer Internship Questions ^
If I get an offer from SEO, may I choose the SEO partner with whom I wish to be placed?
Partner placement decisions are made solely by the Admissions Committee and are final. Please refer to the information provided here: Interviews & Placements.
If you are offered a position directly with an SEO partner and with SEO, you may be able to combine the offers. This will be discussed with you in more detail if you are admitted to the internship. Please remember to inform our partners that you are also applying to SEO. Please speak with a recruiter for more information about the placement process.
Where will I live for the summer while I am interning?
SEO will provide admitted interns with information about affordable temporary housing options in each internship location. In past years, SEO interns have secured comfortable dormitory housing with local universities. Most SEO interns will have at least one roommate for the summer.
Interns are ultimately responsible for finding and paying for their own summer housing. Please note that neither SEO nor its partners are responsible for any costs related to an intern’s housing or travel. You will also budget for your own travel to and from internship locations, appropriate professional attire, meals, your daily commute and socializing/exploring. Keep in mind that interns in suburban locations will need a driver's license and car.
If I am accepted to SEO when will my internship begin?
The SEO internship officially begins after the SEO Orientation, which is usually held over the Memorial Day weekend. Internships begin late May to Mid-June. Internships are usually eight to ten weeks in duration ending in July or August.
If I am accepted to SEO how do I dress for the summer?
Many of our partners have instituted what is known as ‘corporate casual’ attire, you are required to attend all SEO events i.e. seminars, dinners etc. in ‘formal business’ attire. This means suits for both ladies and gentlemen. Formal corporate attire is a dark suit (navy, gray or black for men & women), light shirt (preferably white, but pastel colors are generally acceptable), tie, and closed shoes.
After your acceptance into the SEO internship internship, if you are unsure about what constitutes either ‘formal business’ attire or ‘corporate casual’ attire, please do not hesitate to ask your SEO staff liaison. Your assigned partner will give you guidelines for attire (typically business casual) during your employment hours.
Interview Questions ^
There are no more available slots to sign up for an interview on the interview system. What should I do?
Interview slots are limited and are on a first come first serve basis. We continually add slots throughout the season. If you cannot find a convenient, regional appointment, please choose the Virtual option and interview via Skype.
If you need to cancel or make any changes to an interview that has already been scheduled, please log into the SEO Online scheduler and edit your appointment under “My Appointments”.
When I try to login to the scheduler I get an "Invalid username or password" error. What should I do?
Click on "Click Here" to schedule a new appointment. You will choose a username and password as part of the registration process.
You need to create a new username and password when you register for an appointment at each leg of the interview process (i.e. one for your on-campus one-on-one, one for your phone screen, and one for your in-person interview). Once you have registered for an appointment, you will be able to use your login details to change or cancel your appointment, update your contact information or find the location details for your appointment.
Where can I find the address and details for my in-person interview?
Log back into the scheduling system and click Make Appointments. Choose your location from the drop down menu. Then, click on the magnifying glass to get more details about that location such as the address and location-specific instructions.
After my interview, how long will it take SEO to reach a decision?
We continually evaluate candidates from the time we meet them on campus and throughout our selection process. The process will work differently for different candidates based on your internship of interest and geographical location. The timing of your invitations, interviews, and decisions may not correspond with other candidates'. Do not be alarmed! We will do our best to inform you of your status throughout the process. Please keep us informed of any changes to your application or any applications/interviews/offers with partner companies.
Where does SEO interview?
SEO holds interviews in several regions. Interviews are by invitation only. Past interview sites include Atlanta, Boston, Chicago Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco/Palo Alto, and Washington DC.
All applicants should be prepared to travel for their in-person interview at their own expense. If you cannot find a convenient, regional appointment, please choose the Virtual option and interview via Skype.
Does the location of my interview determine the location of my internship?
No, SEO interviews in regional locations for your convenience. The location of your interview will not impact your placement.
Does SEO hold phone interviews for those applicants that are studying abroad?
We may conduct interviews by telephone or Skype if candidates are studying abroad. Please choose Phone/Skype as your location in TimeTrade. Be sure to include your Skype name and phone number abroad.
Are travel expenses covered by SEO?
Applicants are responsible for all expenses incurred for travel. This is due to the number of students we consider nationwide and because we are a nonprofit. We also hold regional interviews in various locations to help alleviate some of the costs of travel. If you cannot find a convenient, regional appointment, please choose the Virtual option and interview via Skype.
I've been deferred to the next round of interviews. Does this affect my chances of acceptance into the internship?
SEO accepts students on a rolling basis. Chances are higher the earlier you interview so it is advisable to interview as early as possible and not change interview dates if at all possible.
My contact information has changed. What should I do?
If you need to change your contact information, please log into the SEO Online scheduler and edit your profile.
Are in-person interviews internship-specific?
Yes, SEO interviews include general questions as well as internship-specific questions and a internship-specific case question. Please click here for more information: Interviews & Placements.