Small business owners are excellent candidates for video SEO since they posses strong industry knowledge and passion. But properly leveraging that knowledge and extracting it from their heads can be difficult. Here is a low-cost and quick Video SEO Case Study with proven results.
1) Video blogging is quicker than regular blogging.
2) Even casual conversations between experts are helpful to information seekers.
3) Small business owners have passion for their fields that shows on video.
A) Create 4 video blogs per week using an industry expert (i.e., small business owner)
B) Keep production time under 30 minutes per video
C) Use transcriptions to maximize SEO value
D) Implement best-practice onsite SEO mark-up from
E) Create useful content by answering common questions
F) Keep costs as low as possible
This case study used Google Hangouts (which is free) and automatically posted them to YouTube. From YouTube, videos are easily downloaded. Here is a screenshot: