Its Not Just SEO..Its Authority SEO

I don’t know if you have noticed but I have been quiet lately
That is because I have been working like a maniac to bring you something that is going to change how you approach SEO forever
You see for the past week and a half I have been focusing on spilling all of my SEO knowledge that has gotten me to $300-$400 a day into a single post.
And in this epic post I am going to do something that no talented SEO has ever done before. This is reveal my ENTIRE SEO model for 100% free
Get excited

Its Not Just SEO..Its Authority SEO

If you have been a reader of Source Wave for awhile, you know I am super gung ho about creating large authority authority sites fueled by SEO. Why? Because authorities sites are the ONLY long term way to make consistent large long term income from SEO. This is because they are
  • Virtually immune to Google penalties
  • Make ranking for competitive keywords a joke
  • Turn into monsters that can bring you a full time income from one site alone
In short, they rock and my authority site SEO model has made it EASY for me to get to and maintain a $300-$400 a day income solely from these sites

Now I have explained in GREAT detail in other posts why this is simply the best way to reach financial freedom.
However…In this post I want to focus on the how. I want to focus on the doing. I want you to feel like you have a nuclear powered money laser gun in your hands by the time you are done reading this post.

Why  I Am Just Giving This Away

If you have read Source Wave for any period of time  you know why.
Because I ACTUALLY make an income online from the info I give you.  This means I don’t have to horde it or try to sell it to you.I hate that bullshit just as much as you.
The path to my financial future is not in selling you whats in my head, its in using it =).
With that being said, I am a 24 year old who makes $30,000 a month online yet only needs a guitar, a tv, and apartment close to bars to be happy (I am literally working on a $30 Wal mart desk right now and currently do not even have a car =P) I literally have everything I need to be happy, and I want everyone that comes to Source Wave to have a shot at the same success  I have had.
I also want Source Wave to be known as the place to go when you want to cut through the bs and get real information that you can actually use (not mental masterbation and hippy theories you read on 99% of blogs that are “suppost” to help you)
I remembered when I first got started I CRAVED a blog that would  just give me straight forward useful information. I never found one. Just blogs that gave clues.
Now that I am in a position to do something about it, I intend to make the type of resource I needed but never got.
So in short I am giving you this information because I can and I want to. The end =P

WARNING: Work Ahead

Contrary to most of the crap you will read online, there is no simple “color in the lines” system that will get you to a passive income and if you want that, my authority SEO system is not for you.
It is going to require you to be a very well rounded talented marketer (which is what I am going to help you become).
Can you make money in SEO making crap useless websites? Sure!
But I guarantee you this : unless you find some freak loophole your income will never be long term. Long term LARGE online incomes are never based upon tricks and no brainer systems. They are built upon creating long term value and developing a deep understanding of how people use the internet.
Again I am going to help you do this, but if you are a person who expects to put in crap and receive gold please direct yourself to the WSO section on the Warrior Forum. It will suit you much better =)
With that being said…Lets dive into this!

If you are new to SEO stop by our beginners course first


Authority SEO Part 1

Authority Keyword Research and Strategy Overview


The first step to building a SEO empire is keyword research. In fact…The most essential and important skill you can ever develop as a SEO is keyword research. Once you understand how to find keywords the right way and analyze competition SEO is comically easy. However, when it comes to authority SEO we need a battle plan. The first step in our plan for Google niche warfare is choosing the niche

Choosing Your Niche

When it comes to authority SEO, we need to view things like niche competition a bit differently. We first want to pick a niche by
-How good of a site we can make in the niche
-What you would personally enjoy working on
Why? Because first off we need money. But secondly if our site sucks it won’t last and if we do not semi enjoy working on it this is going be torture. We also want to go very broad when we pick the niche. For example, here are some site ideas
  • A site based around  a broad niche like womens health (this can cover every sub niche such as acne, wrinkles, etc)
  • A site that reports on news in a certain niche (politics, celebrity gossip, etc)
  • A site that is a  large resource in a niche (collection of works outs, video game cheat codes, tv episode guides)
(There are other types of sites, but these are the best example if your starting off)
In short we want our site to be a big source of something! Instead of focusing on a super mirco niche like womens skin care, we will focus on womens health as a whole. Instead of focusing on a certain celebrity  we will make a site that covers all celebrities. Instead of making a site that focuses on 1 work out, we will make a site that covers all of them.
Make sense? Our site will basically be a large site, that targets hundreds of micro niches at a time.

Take some time to write down about 5 broad niches you might want to dig into

Got em?
Okay now that we have a general idea of what we might want to get into we need to judge the overall competition in a niche. Here is how I do it
First off is your niche is make money online, forex, debt, or something directly related to money? Well these niches are always EXTREMELY competitive. You do not want to play in these until you are a rock solid site creator and SEO. So if you have this on your list of niches, put it on the back burner for now
Second. How many super authorities are in the niche? For example if you go to Google and search anything about SEO your going to see the same 5 sites in just about any search. All of these sites also excel at being top notch resources in the niche. This means its gonna be tough to get traction.   However if you dive into a broad niche like dog training, womens shoes, or college dating you are not going to see such fierce competition. This is what we want.
Remember, are competition is not going to be tiny sites. Its going to be the big  authorities in a niche.
The number 1 thing to keep in mind though is that with authority SEO we can rank for virtually any keyword we want over time, so 90% of niches will be open to use.   Now that we have a niche idea, it is time to start choosing our keywords.

Choosing Long Term and Short Term Keywords

When we pick keywords for a authority sites we are looking for two very specific types of keywords. These are short term and long term.

Let me explain how this works.
When we first create a authority site it is essential we get traffic and start making money quickly. We are not going to do this by targeting large broad keywords because our site will not rank for these right away. For example if our site is about dog training, we are not going to rank for “how to train dogs” any time soon. (Again if you don’t know why please refer to our beginners course) We need traffic and authority to do that.
This is why we will target short term keywords first. These are keywords that we can rank for in 24 hours to a week. What this does is give us an initial steady stream of traffic to start making money with. Then once we have that steady traffic and user base, we can then start trying to target the long term big keywords.

Here is how we do it
First pick 3 BIG keywords you eventually want your authority site to rank for. In the dog training niche these could be keywords like How to train dogs,  train dogs, and dog training. These are going to be the keywords our home page will eventually rank for.
Then what we need to do is dig into the niche using some of the lethal keyword methods I have shared with you in the past. We will then use these methods to find short term keywords that we can rank for in no time. These are going to be the keywords our inner pages rank for.
Here is every single post on keyword research tactics on this blog. On top of this if you sign up for our newsletter HERE you will get access to the full Dream Niche keyword research course. (14k people already have…why havn’t you?)
My Five Figure Niches Totally Revealed
How To Use “New” Keyword Niches For Instant Rankings
Insanely Easy Way To Find 33k+ Searches Per Month Niches (Top 10 Method)
How To Take Over Any Niche (Blood In The Water Technique)

Our Goal
What we need to do is grab short term keywords that total up to 10k+ searches per month. For example we could grab searches like
  • Dog training pdf – (3,400 searches)
  • How to teach my dog to catch a frisbee – (1,200 searches)
  • German shepherd puppies – (5,400 searches)
The search volume for all of these searches combined totals up to 10k. See how that works?

The Strategy In A Nutshell and Site Creation

Now that we have 3 long term keywords and a collection of short term instant ranking keywords it is time to understand how we are going to be apply them.
The way the authority strategy works is by gaining momentum from quickly ranking short term keywords. This momentum eventually gets carried over to the long term keywords.
What we are going to do is build authority to our domain. When we do this the authority of the domain makes ranking our inner pages a joke. If you need some quick examples here are few posts where I rank pages for high traffic keywords in 24 hours with little to no effort.

But first we need a rough idea of how we are going to design the site

Designing Our Site

(If You Do Not Know How To Set Up A Basic Site..Again Refer To The Beginners Guide)
Now first off…This is not some “step by step hand hold copy everything exactly as I do guide”.
What you need to take away from this is the understanding of why this works and to be able to creatively apply it to your site.
I cannot reiterate enough times that you need to take this info and understand it, not step by step copy it. If this exact site design does not work for your site or something makes more sense…Then use it!
Also I cannot stress that taking action is FAR more important than getting lost inminor details right.
With that being said, we are going to set up our site so that the authority drips from the home page to our inner pages. By making a super strong domain authority we will be able to target the untapped keywords I have showed you how to find and take them over almost over night. So we essentially are going to create pages on our site that cover a broad niche with our niche, and then dive deeper into the niche.

Whether To Make Pages Or Posts?
Are you making a blog? Does it make sense to even have blog in your niche? Do you want to be a professional blogger?
If the answer is no, use pages because having a blog on dog training is stupid. Make a normal website.
This is easily done by making static pages in Wordpress and linking them together
 Creating The Pages To Target Keywords
When you create your home page (which is set in settings tab in Wordpress) focus this page on your long term kewords.
Then create pages on your site targeting your “dream niche” type keywords. Then make pages from those pages targeting even smaller “dream niche keywords”. Here is an example below.
Now that we have the site roughly set up it ALL about building that authority.


Authority SEO Part 2

Building Authority


What Is Domain Authority

First off, every domain online has an “authority”. While linking to pages can increase there rank, often the domain the pages are on will dramatically effect there rankings. For example a article on dogs from will rank over night with zero backlinks. This is a authority based ranking. By following the steps below, we can start to gain this authority bonus to our domain thus making ranking easy smeezy.
The best way to do this right off the bat (and make money almost instantly) is by generating free or “almost free” natural traffic. YES Google does look at how people interact with your site. If your site is getting zero traffic from other sources on the web and has a bounce rate of 95% what does that say about your site….Duh it sucks
So what we want to do is drive natural traffic with what I like to call “initial back linking”.  Now what most people do for their first links is put links up on ezine or authority sites for the link juice. I personally do not care about link juice at the start of the site. I want links that give me relevant traffic
Why? Three reasons
A) To see how people interact with my site so I can improve it
B) Generate a reputation with Google (they see your site getting traffic in analytics and see that it might actually be a legitimate site)
C) To start making money/converting traffic right away
But Arn’t We Using SEO To Get Free Traffic
Yes..But Google is not the only site that you can get free traffic from. In fact if you have a decent site, it is WAY easier to get a big income by piggy backing off other sites by placing links on them. When you do this you get
  • Instant free traffic
  • Quality backlinks pointed at your site
  • A reputation with Google by generating real traffic
Here are 3 of my favorite ways to do this.

Authority Building Step 1: Initial Linking To Build Traffic

Free Traffic/Link Method #1 : Forums

Forums?!Who’d of thought the largest hubs of niche related traffic on the web could provide profitable traffic.
The funny truth is that I have launched and built thriving websites from forum traffic alone, but getting traffic from these sites is a art. A art that is NOT based around spamming and throwing up crap.
What I do whenever I create a niche authority site is find 5 relevant forums with a large amount of traffic circulating through them. This is easy to do with sites like big boards. (Also keep in mind misc forums on HUGE forums like can generate thousands of visitors from a single link.)
Then what I do is create and contribute to the community by making about 5 posts a day on each forum. Then there are 3 methods you can use to generate a ton of traffic on a forum while NOT spamming
Most forums allows signatures with links or allow you get one with a small donation.  Once you have a sig, you need to make a signature that makes people so pissed/confused/shocked/curious/challenged that they HAVE to click it.

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